Seville, Spain. My mother brings me to this world. Thanks Mom!
Seville, Spain. I finish the last exam at the university. Informatics Engineer. I didn't know what the future held for me yet...
Madrid, Spain. I think the first company with my current partner, Miguel. Two kids in their early twenties . EMACS. Engineering and distribution of industrial electronics, security and fire.
Madrid, Spain. We created our second company. Exclusive for electronic security projects. We are growing.
Casablanca, Morocco. It occurs to us to try the same business model in the neighboring country. In Africa. We hit a good host. We back off.
Miami, USA. After many years in Europe, and several businesses running, we tried the American dream. We realize that we do not have the structure to manage two continents at the same time. Touch back again, although it is a soft landing.
Madrid, Spain. I lead a complicated professional life. Heavily loaded. No time. I start reading financial literature. To learn new things. I stop going out. I make decisions to stop doing what makes me feel good to do what makes me feel good (yes, crossing out feel ).
Madrid, Spain. They lock us up. I live in solitary confinement. More time to read. More time to absorb knowledge. Learning accelerates.
Madrid, Spain. First investment movements. Very afraid of screwing up. With precaution. Play it safe: little risk, little loss (and little profit). Index funds.
Madrid, Spain. I undo positions. Compound interest does not beat compound inflation. Little do they understand them. You have to keep learning. I find the crypto world.
Madrid, Spain. I think cryptos are not a scam. Arbitrations, staking, Cantillon effect. Lots of mixing of concepts in my head and the feeling of having been cheated my whole life. I decide to take a step forward. I play it feeling that I was going to palm the entire position.
Madrid, Spain. Everything has happened in the last 6 months. Crazy. Life has changed me, and if I don't mess it up, forever. You have to keep learning, but I already realize that I have to teach you how to do it.
Lisbon, Portugal. I am a digital nomad, although my main residence is still in Europe.