That which almost all of us chase. Whether we like it or not, that's why most of us set the alarm, hopefully only from Monday to Friday. And what if I tell you that the flow of money is infinite, and that only a few people open and close the tap at will? Yes, it may sound like a joke, a cheap trick of a parlor. In fact, it's not magic, although as a system it's quite elaborate.
Is for you?
In these pages I'm going to tell you how this happens. Chewed. In street language, and with as few technicalities as possible. You don't need to know anything beforehand to understand it. Just read and not much else. In fact, I've narrated it thinking that the only thing you know how to do with money is earn it, save it, and spend it. Not much more, and nothing less. Like the vast majority.
I go to the point. No filler content. No straw. We are just on time and we are not for stories.
And what do I tell you?
I'm going to tell you what seigniorage is and who does it. How money is issued and how it is destroyed. How a Central Bank works. How a commercial bank works. How most governments choose their own well-being at the expense of the people who live in it. How countries compete with each other and use their currency as a demolition ball. What inflation really is and how it affects us differently, depending on each person's own factors. And gold, what it means and the traps that surround it, which you'd better know how to identify.
I teach you to understand the mess. To start learning how to defend yourself. To see where they're cheating you.
This is the first of several, but with only this one, your life will not be the same.
What am I not telling you?
If you're waiting for investment recommendations, this is not your book. Not yet. If you're expecting to become a millionaire right now, that's not it either. There are no magic pills or shortcuts here. What you will find are the economic pitfalls in which we usually get trapped, and without the possibility of escape.
Convince me
Look. They're not fooling me anymore. What I tell you is part of what has allowed me to escape this system and be free from it. This work is the first of several, where I will eventually tell you everything.
I don't know who you are, but I know that 99% of the population is on the bad side of this game. Let me make it very clear to you: if you don't read it, you lose out.
That's what almost all of us are after. Whether we like it or not, that's why most of us set our alarm clock, hopefully only from Monday to Friday. What if I told you that the flow of money is infinite, and that the tap is opened and closed by a few people at will? Yes, it may sound like a joke, a cheap parlour trick. Indeed, it is not magic, although as a system it is quite elaborate.
Is it for you?
In these pages I will tell you how this happens. In a nutshell. In everyday language, and with as few technicalities as possible. You don't need to know anything beforehand to understand. Read and little else. What's more, I have narrated it thinking that the only thing you know how to do with money is to earn it, save it and spend it. Little more, and nothing less. Like the vast majority.
I'll cut to the chase. No filler content. No fluff. We're on a tight schedule and we're not in the mood for stories.
And what can I tell you?
I will tell you what seigniorage is and who does it. How money is issued and how it is destroyed. How a central bank works. How a commercial bank works. How most governments choose their own welfare at the expense of the people who live in it. How countries compete with each other and use their currency as a wrecking ball. What inflation really is and how it affects us unequally, depending on each person's own factors. And gold, what it means and the traps surrounding it, which you had better be able to identify.
I teach you to understand the world. To start learning how to defend yourself. To see where you are being cheated.
It is the first of several, but with this one alone your life will not be the same.
What am I not telling you?
If you are expecting investment recommendations, this is not your book. Not yet. If you're hoping to become a millionaire now, right now, neither. There are no magic pills or shortcuts here. What you will find are the economic sinkholes in which we tend to get trapped, and without the possibility of escaping.
Convince me
Look. They don't cheat me any more. What I'm telling you is part of what has allowed me to escape from this system and benefit from it. This work is the first of several, where I will end up telling you everything.
I don't know who you are, but I know that 99% of the population is on the wrong side of this game. Let me make it very clear: if you don't read it, you lose out.